> Poor Grid
Unstable grids cannot sustain renewable energy source penetration. Synvertec innovation alters the narrative.
Poor Grids: A Global Problem
Poor electric grids are a global problem, affecting many developing countries that experience power shortages on a regular basis. One of the main characteristics of poor power grids is their extreme sensitivity to load imbalance, which cause frequency fluctuations. In such conditions, poor grids are unable to maintain stability, and collapse. With poor grids, this usually happens frequently.
Another characteristic of poor power grids is their limited geographic reach. Hundreds of millions of people all over the world do not have access to electricity, as their countries' poor power infrastructure is unable to reach their areas of residence.
To overcome poor grid limitations, many communities, families and individuals utilize generators that run on diesel fuel. This solution is expensive, limited in scope and potentially harmful to the environment.
Poor Grids & RES: The Search for Compatibility
In today's world, reliable power supply is a prerequisite for sustainable economic and social growth. Countries investing in grid stability will be able to cut down on power shortages and provide electricity to more and more remote communities. This will have a dramatic effect on the lives and future of vast populations.
One of the key strategies in providing more power across vast, undeveloped areas is harnessing electricity generated from renewable energy sources (RES). Yet due to their extreme instability, poor grids cannot sustain the penetration of renewable energy sources, as RES connect to the grid via inverters and thus increase grid instability. This is where Synvertec comes in.
Changing the Poor Grid Narrative
At Synvertec, we aim to change the poor grid narrative. Our goals is to transform grids into renewable energy enablers (instead of preventers).
Once connected to an inverter on the grid, Synvertec's cutting-edge algorithm allows inverter behavior to mimic a synchronous generator. As the grid recognizes the inertia produced by the inverter, it automatically becomes more stable. The more stable the grid becomes, the more RES it can handle. Ultimately, grid outreach and possibilities are greatly enhanced.